Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Look to the Orb for the Warning

"Bad directions... The things you see when you're out for a spin in the country". Taken by AJ Hingley


Anonymous said...

luv it! surreal and trippy shot! what a journey!

Anonymous said...

Editor's note:

Have had a few queries about the suitability of this image...

To explain; I am more than willing to 'bend' the usual criteria (ie. a photo taken somewhere on this Planet), in special cases.

I simply love this image. Its surreal magic and the comment made it a must. And it helps if there are images of the Planet Earth like this paying homage to the Earth... After all, that's what this site is, a homage to this Planet that we all inhabit so fleetingly...

See 3rd April too...

Hope this helps

Keep up the great work AJ


[G@ttoGiallo] said...

Oh, I thought this was taken from the moon...
Poetic, AJ !