Wednesday, 30 May 2012


I complained last week about UK weather on the page of a Southern California photo, I was told to go 'immediately' to San Diego :) Well, that was a little less-than-easy, especially the 'immediately' bit... But summer works in mysterious ways...
Just back from a busy and productive week in Berlin, where we were blessed with 30-degree heat every day. The city felt like a tropical resort - everyone was out in the streets, in shorts and flip-flops, drinking beer and having a party. Thousands of 'improvised' bars, cafes and clubs were overflowing with young and beautiful people, especially on the banks of the river and canals.
Incredible vibe! Wish I had more time and didn't have to... work (excuse the 4-letter word :(

Taken by maistora.  See his other version here


Mapp said...

Looks exciting. And hot.

The Great Wall of China said...

Its a really amazing blog! I am going to share this site with my friend :)